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What if I receive a damaged product?
Our backend support team ensures that the product reached the end customer safely but in case there is something like that then please avoid accepting the delivery team and immediately contact our customer care team.
What if my product is shipped to the wrong address?
With our safe and secured delivery system, it is less likely to have such incidence but at times, if there are any uncontrolled circumstances then in that case please contact our customer care support team immediately.
How much time does it take to get the ordered product delivered?
We have a few products in the same-day shipping category. These products are delivered at the desired address in 2 to 3 days. However, in most cases, an estimated time of delivery is provided before completing the order request.
How do the online payment options work?
The customer’s bank or debit/credit Card Company will directly authorize the transaction on the payment gateway page. Once their authorization is received, your order will be finalized and you will get the confirmation for the acceptance of your credit card.